Austin Self Care

Make Your Next Retreat Stand Out: 5 Reasons to Have a Henna Artist at Your Next Retreat


With a bazillion retreats out there for people to choose from related to spirituality, wellness, healing, mindset, how will you get yours to be just a little bit different and connect with your guests as well as them to one another?

Retreats are an amazing gift for guests to reconnect to themselves, meet like minded people, and reset their exhausted nervous system. Many retreats typically  will have options for self care such as tarot readers, massage, skin care, energy healing, and more.

And while location and surroundings do matter there’s also another major component that may be missing- retreat uniqueness. Guests want to be surprised and they want to experience something that maybe they’ve never experienced before that makes them feel bold, adventurous, beautiful, badass, and especially loved.

Henna is for everyone in every geographical region around the world. It’s unique for both men and women. It’s celebratory. It’s healing. It’s a safe, temporary, plant-based body art and let me tell you, people LOVE to experience it especially in a safe, community setting such as a retreat.

Here are the top 5 reasons henna needs to be a part of your next retreat.

5. They’ll be reminded why they came to your retreat and what they learned. They’ll also be talking about it to their friends, family and colleagues.
They get to take it home! How many experiences actually physically leave with you?  Their henna design & experience will be absorbed into their skin for up to 2 weeks after their experience.

4. Custom experience- What this means is that you get to create the type of experience that your guests will have. Will it be an intention word? A meaningful symbol? Or something that they get to choose on their own. It can be meaningful or it can just be something that makes them feel magical, confident and seen. Henna has a way of giving a wide range of feels to all that choose to wear it.

3. Henna raises your energy and promotes healing- Yes this one is true. After receiving henna people feel into their bodies and a deeper level and experience a kinder more accepting feeling towards themselves and those around them. When people feel adorned their spirits are lifted, energy is raised and humans come back to their natural state of love and kindness. This one happens naturally!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2. Connective experience with themselves and their new community. Once the structured parts of the retreat end for the day, guests can really get to know each other through a shared henna experience. It’s amazing to watch people let their guards down, relax and get curious and become a playful version of themselves when they have an opportunity to do so. Can you picture it- the smiles, the laughs, the support, and the giddiness. Guests LOVE to connect through this shared experience.

1. Novel experiences elevates your retreat and makes it a little bit different than the rest. This one is the no-brainer. Who else is adding henna to a retreat in this way? Your guests want to be surprised and experience something special and unique- just for them. For many of them, this will likely be their first henna experience and what better way than to incorporate into your retreat to let them know that you cared enough to give them an unforgettable novel, custom experience that raised their energy, connected them to their community and was able to take home. 

Retreat guests will absolutely love the time, care and attention that you’ve given by gifting them this experience along with all the personal transformations and connections that they’ll make. Your retreat will be different and all because you found something so fitting, yet so different and novel to bring everyone together in this shared experience.


Mind Body Henna


Your Free Ultimate Guide to Understanding Henna


Our curiosity makes us human and humans love to learn. Living in the information age has made it a little uneasy for us to want to ask each other questions. “Google it” is a common response to any question. And while that maybe the easy way to get general information, it’s also sometimes very overwhelming. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there. So who is right? Who do you trust to give you the best answers to your questions?

As a professional henna artist that works many events and parties, I find that guests have so many questions regarding what henna is and what is actually going on their skin.

Here are a few of the most common questions that I hear:

  • What is henna?

  • What’s so dangerous about buying it online?

  • Where do you get it?

  • How long does it take to dry?

  • What is black henna?

  • What is chemical henna?

  • Can I wash it off in an hour?

  • How long do I need to wear it?

  • How do I take care of it?

  • How long will the stain last?

  • And so much more…

There’s a lot of misleading information available that’s why I wanted to give you a complete guide to help your understanding about what henna really is and how it works so that you can feel that you have something to refer back to should you need it. My main mission is to provide education about henna to the person who is thinking of getting their first henna and it’s also for the person who may have grown up with henna at cultural events but still wants to know the details about it. The reason behind my ‘why’ of providing this information is because your skin’s safety is my first priority.

Unfortunately, there are many different types of henna on the market and even some well-intentioned henna artists out there are not aware of the dangers of buying henna online or other local stores.

So here you go! I hope you enjoy reading and learning all these different topics about henna and feel empowered to keep asking questions and have a guide to refer back to. Please share and spread the word!



Henna: Off The Beaten Path of Self Care

Guest Blog Post by:

Client- Nicole Bills

I am a Healer and Life Guidance coach who was approaching a new chapter in life where both my children were becoming adults. “Who was I in this new chapter?” was a difficult question to sit with. As I had more time to myself, I became aware that I did feel worn out and bedraggled. 

Realizing that I had started to become lost in the hustle and bustle of rearing a family, maintaining a marriage, and running a business - it happens even to the well-trained of us! 

Taking time to reflect within, I decided to try and implement novel self-care with henna tattoos. 

I chose henna because it encompasses self-nurturing through physical touch and adornment. The ”me” at any stage deserves to feel beautiful and worthy. 

It’s become one of my go to rituals when getting ready for an upcoming girls trip. After all the weeks of stress from group planning, coordinating, & packing I get to pause, clear my ruminating thoughts, and receive restorative pampering -  especially important when I’m headed out on a camping trip!

Finding Christine, a henna artist in Austin, Texas, was providential. I am grateful that she took time to explain the cultural ties and historical importance of Henna. It’s knowledge that’s given me confidence when people stop and compliment the art, it’s an appreciation of culture that I can pass onward. 

I feel cared for in each session, from Christine greeting me with a warm cup of chai, to holding a sacred energetic space that allowed me to open up, reset my intentions, and love on myself. 

If you'd never considered this type of self nurturing, I'd definitely try it to help you venture out. and offer yourself something a little different.